Brooklyn Sex Expo- The After Math

Brooklyn Sex Expo- The After Math

This past weekend we had the privalge in participate n Brooklyn's annual Sex Expo. We had never done an event like this, so we wern't really sure what to expect. There were 65 total vendors that ranged from other stores like us, to the big manufactors of some of our favorite products. Lets not forget the Chaturbate booth that was doing live cam sessions. 

To stay true to The White Unicorn spirt we wanted anyone everyone to know that we were there to have fun and we don't take ourselve to seriously. So we set the booth up with some eye catching sequin table clothes and a selfie booth in the back. The booth had our favorite blow up doll, an oversized hacci wand, some really creep unicorn accessories and some photo booth signs with fun phrases. Anyone who took a pic in our booth and taged us to social media recieved 15% off their purchase. 

On Saturday, when I got to the event space at 9am, the line to get in was already beginning. By the time the doors opened at 11am, it wrapped around the building. And our booth was insanely busy. I could not believe how many people came out. I want to thank everyone who stopped by and a big thanks to those who stopped to take a selfie, you were super fun. Take a look at some pics below. And a list of the best sellers from the show. (just incase you are having buyers remorse)


The top sellers:


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